Support the work of Living Liberally, honor our great progressive allies
The New Organizing Institute and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and
join a ...
*Coming off last weekend's story and the 2/3rds ruling above and my dumb
red notebook crisis, I feel like the year started in earnest this week. I
My grandma’s last meal was a bran muffin. This was apt, since eating a warm
one was her favorite way to begin the day. She liked to share, and she'd...
When I left on hiatus a few weeks ago, I had every intention of coming back
after an extended break. I thought there might be a possibility the break
Be kind today, especially to people who are different than you. Listen to
them. Take time to really see who they are. Listen to music that makes you
feel a...
Last Fall, I joined IACP, the International Association of Culinary
Professionals. This organization covers every food-related profession you
can think o...
Consider this a lesson in scale. Something no cookbook will really tell
you. You won't see in the notes something like "If multiplying batches,
strongly su...
You might be asking yourself, Deb, why are you publishing a lemon tart
recipe when the greatest lemon tart of all time already exists on your
site? Okay,...
By Matthew Yglesias I like coffee, but I love iced coffee, especially since
I learned how to cold-brew it at home. This requires a bit more advance
Among numismatists this tiny cluster of islands, quite literally specks in
the vast azure of the Pacific, has an outsize reputation, for it is among
the sm...
Cameron SinclairAfter a long hiatus we are coming back. In September my
organization, Architecture for Humanity acquired Worldchanging and all its
assets. ...
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